Rescue Dog Becomes Sister to Orphaned Kitten

Rescue Dog Becomes Sister to Orphaned Kitten


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When Fitz the orphaned kitten came to his foster home, he was greeted by Puck the dog who is also a rescue herself. She took to the little ball of fluff and became his family.

Meet Fitz the kitten. He was 2 weeks old when he came to his foster home.


Fitz was just two weeks old when they got him. As soon as Puck heard the little cries from the kitten, she came to him with open paws. Puck, a rescue herself, seems to understand the little orphaned kitten. The two quickly bonded.

Now Fitz can't get enough of his sister from another mother. He play fights with her, wakes her up when she tries to nap and snuggles with her when he needs some cuddles.

Puck puts up with Fitz's little antics, offers hugs when he needs comfort and loves him like a sister would.

More info: Instagram @puckandfitz

The two quickly bonded.


They share lap time with their human together.


Puck loves her little brother and is very protective of him.


They are inseparable!


Watch video: Puck puts up with Fitz's antics.

Puck is a rescue herself. She seems to understand Fitz and always makes sure he's loved.


Now Fitz has a sister to nap and cuddle with. He feels loved!


Update: Fitz is a lot bigger now!

What an adorable bond! Share this story with your friends!

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