It's Been 8 Years She Still Sticks Out Her Tongue

It's Been 8 Years She Still Sticks Out Her Tongue


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It's been eight years since they took in a tiny calico kitten. She still does this whenever she is happy :).

When she came to her new home, she liked to stick out tongue to tell her humans how happy she was...

Photo by @linsyschopman

"It's been 8 years now and she still does this... Sometimes I tickle her tongue, I'm pretty sure she thinks her human is an idiot," reddit user linsyschopman shared with Love Meow. "She's always nearby looking for cuddles."

Minoes is eight years old now, but the calico girl is still a kitten at heart. She sticks out her tongue when she feels happy and loved. She occasionally puts it back but when she's sitting somewhere, feeling relaxed and happy, the tongue is out again :).

More on reddit.

Photo by @linsyschopman

When she puts her tongue back in...

Photo by @linsyschopman

Minoes is feeling happy and relaxed in a nap...

Photo by @linsyschopman

After a big yawn and stretch, the tongue is out again. She's as happy as she can be :).

Photo by @linsyschopman

Does your kitty forget to put their tongue back sometimes? Share this cute story!

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