Rescue Cat Now Gets to Do What He Loves and Shares His Adventures

Rescue Cat Now Gets to Do What He Loves and Shares His Adventures


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Meet Gandolf, an adventurous cat who has been to two countries and eight states. When he was 5 weeks old, he was adopted into a loving home and his humans nursed him back to health. Soon after that, his love for exploring came out. Gandalf's humans knew just the things they could do together.

@ganddygram on Instagram

"We adopted him while we were living in Korea from a veterinary office," Gandalf's human shared with Love Meow.

Little Gandalf was rescued from a closing pet shop. "He was only 5 weeks old and had a respiratory infection but the vet was great and helped us fix him right up, he turned out just fine! He was still a little puff of energy."

Gandalf is now 2 years old, a very handsome Siberian cat, who loves to visit new places. "He loves his leash! As soon as we pick it up he runs to the door and sits down for us to put it on. He is a travel bug."

His first day home!


"He is an indoor only cat with the exception of leash time. We started taking him out with us since he was just a few weeks. He loves it! He still gets the outdoor experience and we get to share in all of his adventures!"

Gandalf does have a habit of blocking trails. "He seems to enjoy all of the attention!"

"He plans to visit the Alamo and Austin this Christmas and the redwoods shortly after. We hope his adventures inspire you to share some of the world with your kitty.

"He is our everything. We can't imagine life with out him," Gandalf's human told Love Meow.

Follow Gandalf on Instagram @ganddygram | reddit

When he was just a wee kitten...


"He is bigger and fluffier now but still has the kitten playful purrsonality. Happily helping put away the groceries."


Gandalf visiting his human great grandfather's ranch like he owns it :).


"We recently took our kitty Gandalf on our road trip. He really enjoyed seeing all the new places and making friends with the fellow campers."


Gandalf loves the outdoors but isn't a fan of the rain, so they got him a rain jacket.


"Gandalf woke up determined to face the wind!"


He knows he is the king!


This is Gandalf's second Christmas and he is helping Santa out with the holiday.

It was really windy that day but the fluffy kitty insisted to go out and play in the snow.


Watch the fluffy boy in action in this cute video:

Gandalf saved Santa today after enjoying the snow in Tahoe. He is our little hero! He is off to the Redwoods for a weekend in a cabin!source: @ganddygram on instagram

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