Man Visits Cats Wherever He Travels and Rescues Those Who Need a Home (10+ photos)

Man Visits Cats Wherever He Travels and Rescues Those Who Need a Home (10+ photos)


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This man has a soft spot for cats, especially homeless kitties. As a traveler, he always stops in the street to pet a kitty if he sees one or visits a local shelter when he is traveling.

Cats are his best friends!

Courtesy of Angelo Varriano

"I love cats. And I have 14 (yes, that is right, 14 :)) living with me," Angelo Varriano told Love Meow. "All of them were stray, which I rescued from the streets. I always try to find new homes for them, but it's kind of difficult here in Brazil to find real good 'parents' for them."

Varriano is caring for all the cats he saved. And whenever he travels, he looks for cats in the area. It's always the highlight of his trip. "I love traveling and cats, so I always look for them in my trips," he said to Love Meow.

Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano
Courtesy of Angelo Varriano

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