This Fluffy Cat Has a Pair of Perpetual Begging Eyes (10+ pics)

This Fluffy Cat Has a Pair of Perpetual Begging Eyes (10+ pics)


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This fluffy ginger cat has a pair of perpetual begging eyes that are hard to resist. He does this whenever he wants treats, cuddles and love which is all the time :).

Meet Max!

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

"I got Max when he was a teeny baby kitten, he's very loving and affectionate," Kerry told Love Meow.

"He was so tiny! Literally the size of my hand. He's been loving since I got him and constantly followed me around. He's always purring away in my ear!"

Max always has those puss-in-boots eyes that are impossible to say no to. "He loves cuddles and definitely acts and gets treated like a baby!"

More info on Instagram @max_thefluffycat

"Can I stay here a bit longer please?"

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

When it's breakfast time, Max begs for treats!

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

"He absolutely loves treats, his favourites are dreamies, I've often woken up in the morning to find a clawed open packet!" Kerry to Love Meow.

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

Playing in the bath tub! Look at that fluffy tail!

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

Sometimes he sticks out his tongue to up the ante on the cute.

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

Fluffy jellybean toes!

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

"Can I have your attention meow?"

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

Max when he was little!

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

All grown up now!

Courtesy of Kerry @max_thefluffycat

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