After 13 Years, Shelter Cat Finally Found Someone She Had Been Waiting For, Hours After Adoption.

After 13 Years, Shelter Cat Finally Found Someone She Had Been Waiting For, Hours After Adoption.


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A young woman took a chance on a 13-year-old cat who first came to the shelter when she was a tiny kitten. For over a decade, she hasn't found a forever human until now.

Meet Moxie!


Hannah was looking for a cat on the Wisconsin Humane Society's website when she came across a 13-year-old tabby named Moxie. "She first came into the shelter's care back in 2004 as a baby. I am not sure if she had been adopted and then re-surrendered, but she ended up being transferred to a different campus in 2017," Hannah told Love Meow.

"I was planning to adopt a senior cat… when I saw her age next to her picture, my heart just sank and I knew I had to adopt her."

On January 26th, Hannah went to the adoption center to meet Moxie. "She was very withdrawn, but not scared."

When she expressed her interest in adopting the cat, she was warned that Moxie had overstimulation.


"It basically means that the cat has a threshold where they no longer want to be touched, and they can display some aggressive behaviors like biting or swatting. I feel that that had a large impact on her not being adopted," Hannah told Love Meow.

Moxie needed someone who could understand her and give her the space when she needs it, and in return, she would be their most loyal companion.

Hannah saw something very special in her. That day, Moxie left the shelter for good.


Soon after her arrival at her new abode, Moxie perked up and started claiming her spots in the house.

"She just likes to be loved on her own terms. She is also very dog-like, and follows me around from the second I get home until the second I leave for work in the morning."


"I lived by myself, so she's made my little apartment feel like a home. Cat cuddles are the best."

Moxie keeping her human's feet warm.


"What many other prospective parents probably passed off as a grouchy old cat is actually very sweet and loving," Hannah told Love Meow.

Moxie has been misunderstood for over a decade. Now she's found someone who gets her, and she couldn't be happier.


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Related story: 15-year-old Shelter Cat Cries Until He's Held All the Time, So They Come Up With a Solution

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