'Unwanted' Cat and Senior Dog Found Each Other and Haven't Stopped Cuddling

'Unwanted' Cat and Senior Dog Found Each Other and Haven't Stopped Cuddling


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A kitty and a senior dog were both 'unwanted', but ever since they found each other, they haven't stopped cuddling.

Meet Tahlia the kitty and Jemelda the dog.

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

Cat Tahlia and dog Jemelda were both abandoned until they were saved by Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary, a sanctuary that provides a loving safe haven for animals needing long term care due to abuse, neglect, illness and special needs.

"I often feel as though Jemelda and Tahlia were meant to 'find each other'," Kathy, founder of Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary, said. "In all my years of working with sick, neglected and discarded animals, I have never seen a bond quite like it."

The moment Tahlia found her best pal.

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

Jemelda came to the sanctuary after a horrific start to life. "She was petrified of everyone and everything, and she lacked confidence. Although she improved over time and lived happily enough with all of the other residents, she never really bonded with them."

Then Tahlia came along, and they formed an incredible bond within just a couple of weeks. "They spend hours every day snuggling up."

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

"Tahlia is one of the most amazing little nurturers I have ever met," Kathy said. "From the minute she first met senior dog Jemelda, they have been inseperable. When she's not cuddling up to her best pal she is grooming her."

Jemelda had a severe ear infection one year, Tahlia kept trying to groom inside her damaged ear and helped her heal. "The bond these two have is so very special."

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

"They have since passed this incredible bond and affection onto all of the new residents that have come here, either temporarily or permanently. It's as if this is their purpose," Kathy said.

Since Tahlia came to Gunyah to live, 'snuggle piles' have become a standard thing. "She has welcomed, groomed and nurtured so many of the other residents - kittens, lambs and goat kids alike! The hardest part is working out who and what species of animal are part of the snuggle pile!"

"Jemelda and Tahlia are the perfect role models, and seeing some of the kittens who have been just weeks old, cuddling up to them both and grooming dogs and cats alike, is incredible.

"They've even managed to get some of the older residents in on the "snuggle pile".

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

"The sanctuary has always been about not just helping animals in need, but the level of interaction and the bond that is achieved time and time again between species."

This is Tahlia's favorite seat in the house.

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

"They are never far from each other's side. They've spent countless hours snuggled up together," Kathy said.

"So close they almost look like one."

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

"There's no shortage of dog and cat beds to choose from in front of the woodheater, but Tahlia has decided that the place to be is on top of her best buddy, Jemelda."

Today Jemelda is 16, and Tahlia's love and affection keeps her strong every day.

Gunyah Animal Healing Sanctuary

Tahlia, the head of the grooming department.

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Related story: 'Unwanted' Ginger Cat Becomes Guardian to Boy, His Human for Life!

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