'Boy Next Door' Cat Wins Over Neighbor Cat

'Boy Next Door' Cat Wins Over Neighbor Cat


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Meet Sophie & Scottie. Next door neighbor cats bound to be besties, well if Scottie had anything to do with it that is.

It all started a little over a year or so ago. I would bring Sophie outside for a walk and almost immediately the neighbor cat (Scottie) started coming over to try and hang out.

For the first few weeks he would would sit and stare from a distance, always positioning himself within site of what Sophie was up to. Sophie was too busy for him, she had bird hunting to do.

Soon he became bolder and would sit closer like he was waiting for an invite to join in.

Sophie didn't seem to mind he was there as long as she didn't have to pay attention to him much.

His persistence started paying off and soon Sophie came to expect him on her adventures and allowed him to sit with her.

Eventually they started watching the hedge together each night.

Then cruising the yard together.

Whatever Sophie does, he does too.

If Sophie is monitoring the bird bath, so is Scottie. He follows whatever she is doing from the time we are outside until we go in.

The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is open the porch door so Sophie can look outside. Many mornings Scottie is sitting on his driveway looking up and they watch each other.

If Scottie sees us sitting on the porch from his lawn he walks over, politely uses the sidewalk, and waits hoping for her to come down.

A typical night consists of them following each other around.

If you see Sophie out, chances are Scottie is a few steps behind.

Other times Scottie comes right to the door and waits for her to come out.

Scottie really is the cutest 'boy next door' neighbor. All he ever really wanted was to join in and be pals....

Well...and maybe a quick kiss.

If you want to follow the Sophie and Scottie friendship/love story you can see their adventures on Instagram @sophielovestuna.

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