Cat Hugs and Kisses His Human When He Plays Accordion Just for Him

Cat Hugs and Kisses His Human When He Plays Accordion Just for Him


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An adorable ginger kitty gives his human snuggles and kisses while he plays the accordion just for him.

It's the sweetest thing!

YouTube/Sarmat Boyar

This cat loving man plays the accordion for his beloved furry friend who enjoys the music and returns the love with a lot of nose kisses and plenty of cuddles. The kitty is his biggest fan!

"Here's a big hug for you!"

YouTube/Sarmat Boyar

Watch the full video here:

Many kitties also share their love for music.

Here's George the cat giving his human mom snuggles when she sings.

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Related story: Man Serenades to 4 Kittens and Keeps Them Enthralled

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