Cat Lived Her Early Years in Fear Until They Found Her and Showed Her Love

Cat Lived Her Early Years in Fear Until They Found Her and Showed Her Love


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She was the outcast of a feral colony and lived her early years in fear and hunger until she was saved by the rescuers and felt love for the first time.

Meet Bubbles the cat!

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

There is so much charm and quirks in these beautiful eyes. But before Bubbles the cat was found by the rescuers, she was living her days in fear.

"The tiny cat was the outcast of a feral cat colony. The other cats took to pummeling our little girl, preventing her from eating," Tabby's Place, a cat sanctuary in Ringoes, New Jersey, said.

She was weak, petrified, and lost, wandering on her own until one day she was rescued through the Tabby's Place TNR program and found herself in a new home. "We quickly discovered that Bubbles was indeed very skinny, and she's also quite cross-eyed."

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

Bubbles was extremely shy and a little leery when she arrived in the sanctuary.

They began to socialize her, one step at a time.

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

It took her quite time to learn to trust because she spent most of her life fending for herself with little to no human contact.

Slowly but surely, Bubbles began to learn that humans aren't so bad and it makes her happy when they pet her.

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

Even after all she's been through, Bubbles befriended other cats at the sanctuary.

She gave her feline suite mates baths and love.

Bubbles had a rough start to life, but with patience, tenderness and love, the gorgeous cross-eyed girl began to see the world differently.

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

In the weeks that followed, she held her head a bit taller and became more confident around her human friends.

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

It's been over a year since Bubbles was rescued. The kitty who wouldn't let anyone near her, is now snuggling with her forever humans at a place she calls home.

"She may have crossed eyes, but Bubbles sees clearly now: life is beautiful."

Courtesy: Tabby's Place

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support their rescue efforts or adopt a kitty from Tabby's place, click here to visit their website. Follow them on Facebook.

Related story: Vet Clinic Saves Cross-eyed Cat Abandoned on Doorstep, Cat Returns the Favor

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