Cat Shows Stray Kitten the Same Love He Received When He was Rescued 3 Years Ago...

Cat Shows Stray Kitten the Same Love He Received When He was Rescued 3 Years Ago...


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Three years ago, a tiny stray kitten found love from a tabby cat who became the family he never had...

Meet Brak and Tyrol!


The little stray wandered off from his cat mother. And when a family spotted him and tried to help, he ran away and eluded them for a week and a half until one night.

"I managed to corner him and get him to eat but I could never get close enough," said reddit user monopticon.

"I began leaving food but it was obvious the other strays were eating it. Finally I was walking out with his food and he was sitting high up on a post. I picked him up off of it but he was just bones and flesh and couldn't put up much of a fight."


They nursed the little guy back to health, and the kitten never wanted to be alone any more. He was always asking for attention and love.

So they introduced him to their tabby cat Tyrol.


The kitten was eager for Tyrol's affection and would follow him everywhere he went and cuddle up to him whether he liked it or not.

"He always seemed to warm Tyrol up."


The two became very close like two peas in a pod. Tyrol watched his little brother from another mother grow into a gorgeous panther kitty.

They shared an inseparable bond.

Sadly, Tyrol crossed the rainbow bridge after he became ill. Brak suddenly was alone again. He missed his feline brother and started spending a lot of time on the windowsill watching the cat TV by himself.

They knew something was missing...


In June 2016, a little stray kitten found her way into their lives.

"As my sister and I returned from Walmart late in the evening... I heard a distinct mewing. It was then I saw this little derp bounding toward me crying out... The amount of fleas were overwhelming. Her ear mites were severe."


She brought the kitten (named Echo) home to her husband, and it was love at first sight.

"The moment I arrived home with her, it was clear he was in love. There was no discussion really, she had found her forever home."


They weren't sure at first how Brak would react to the little kitten, but after a meal with the new kitty, Brak welcomed her into their loving home with a bath.

"After trust was built and play boundaries were set their shared lives became a friendship."


"Brak began to take on the role that Tyrol had taken for him. He began guiding and grooming Echo."

Now Brak has a cuddly buddy to watch Cat TV with.


"They are never far but whenever one is missing the other is always searching."


Brak shows his feline sister the same love he received when he was rescued.

Now they always have each other!


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