Feral Kitten Discovers Cuddles, He Can't Stop Purring

Feral Kitten Discovers Cuddles, He Can't Stop Purring


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A tiny feral kitten wandered under a car to take refuge and wouldn't come out until the car owner spotted him and tried to befriend him.

The moment he was found.

"I found him under my car Thursday when I left work. There were no other kittens or cars around. It took me 30 minutes to catch him," the kitty's rescuer told Love Meow.

The tiny ginger boy was not used to human contact and was scared, but after a lot of patience, he finally allowed his rescuer to get close enough to pull him to safety.

It was clear that the little kitten needed help.

"He was scrawny, covered in fleas and a tick. His little paws were injured, like his claws had ripped a little."

His rescuer brought him home, cleaned him up, fed him and gave him a warm bed to sleep. "His paws are already healing. He's about 6-8 weeks old."

She named him Dipper.

At first the kitten was a bit apprehensive about his human friend, but as soon as she petted him, everything changed.

When he discovered cuddles and chin scratches, all the worries and fear just melted away.

"He was like 'Oh my! This feels so good!' and he started purring loudly right away, and now he purrs everytime I pick him up," Dipper's rescuer told Love Meow.

Dipper's found his favorite place to nap - right on his rescuer. He can't stop purring.

Dipper is a changed kitty!

She took him off the the street, gave him food and warmth, fixed his paws and showed him love.

"He was a feral but has discovered play and cuddles and is now a purr factory."

What love can do! Share this story with your friends!

Related story: Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw into a Beautiful Smile

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