Kitten Found Alone in the Grass, Meowing for Help. Now a Year Later...

Kitten Found Alone in the Grass, Meowing for Help. Now a Year Later...


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They found a tiny kitten alone on a lawn, meowing pathetically for help. When they picked up the orphan baby, they knew they had to help.

Kitten is finally in a safe home. After a very needed bath, he fell asleep in the blanket.


"We found him crying all alone in the grass. He was only two weeks old and malnourished," reddit user Brinjers wrote.

"We couldn't leave him there, he was lying in the grass a few feet away from the pavement where his mom was run over.... This is him the first night, he was so little!" (More on reddit)

They kept him warm in a scarf and cared for him around the clock.


At one month old! He perked up and his personality started to shine.


He loves clinging to his humans like glue.


Whenever they are on the computer, he wants to be there too.


Cleaning those happy feetz in his human's arms.


It was their one year anniversary 3 days ago... "I always get emotional thinking about how helpless he used to be..." Look at him now!


Every cat deserves a forever home! Share this story!

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