Man Saves Stray Cat Cowering In the Middle of Busy Highway...

Man Saves Stray Cat Cowering In the Middle of Busy Highway...


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A motorist spotted a cat stranded on a busy highway and couldn't stop right away to rescue him, so he made a round trip back to the kitty who was too afraid to move.

Kitty Konnexion Community

Masz Masuri from Singapore was driving on a highway when he found a cat cowering along the central divider, too scared to move.

"I was driving in JB with my Son towards Danga Bay (recreational park in Malaysia) when I spotted this kitty stranded along the center divider of the highway couldn't stop immediately so I had to make a round trip again to rescue this poor baby," he said.

The kind-hearted man happened to be an admin of a Singapore cat community page on Facebook, Kitty Konnexion Community. He knew exactly where to take the kitty after getting him off the streets and into his car.

Kitty Konnexion Community

The scared little stray immediately took refuge under the car seat after he was brought inside the vehicle. The kind man and his son took the cat to the vet to give him the medical attention he needed.

Watch the rescue in this video:

They named him Danga Bay.

The one-year old kitty was diagnosed with a fracture in his right hind leg and a few cuts on his paws and chest, but the sweet kitty is on the mend.

Kitty Konnexion Community

They will get the kitty into a foster home when he's well enough to be discharged.

Kitty Konnexion Community

Danga Bay sat in his rescuer's lap, purring up a storm at the vet. He was happy to be safe and loved.

Kitty Konnexion Community


"Danga has already been adopted by a kind soul," Masz told Love Meow.

A kind woman fell in love with the cuddly kitty and welcomed him into her loving home with open arms. Danga is doing very well and is living life to the fullest.

Kitty Konnexion Community

Share this story with your friends. Follow the kitty's updates at Kitty Konnexion Community on Facebook.

Related story: 14-year Old Boy Dives into Overpass to Save Cat Hanging Over Bridge - Kitty Clings to Him for Life

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