Preemie Calico Fights Back from the Brink and Determined to Live, Now a Month Later...

Preemie Calico Fights Back from the Brink and Determined to Live, Now a Month Later...


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This little kitten is nothing short of a miracle. She was born through an emergency C-section and the only kitten that survived. The tiny ball of fur was determined to live despite the odds!

Meet Moxi the miracle kitty!

Chelsea Agley

Little Moxi was born premature through a C-section after her mother Kiki had complications during labor. Her two siblings lost their fight, but Moxi refused to give up. With help from a generous donor, Mama Kiki and Moxi were saved but the miniature baby was hardly breathing and cold to the touch.

"She took one breath every three seconds and was freezing cold. Her toes were purple, her body was limp. I didn't think she would last five minutes," Chelsea Agley shared with Love Meow.

Chelsea wanted to try everything she could to save her. While she gently rubbed the kitten with a towel, it brought warmth and life back into her tiny body.

Chelsea Agley

"Within minutes things were changing. Her purple toes were turning pink. She moved her head, her breathing got quicker, her body got warmer, and finally she started meowing!"

Moxi was crying and telling everyone that she was back and she wanted to live.

Chelsea Agley

"I was just scared that her fight wouldn't be enough to get her through, but she proved me wrong, minute by minute," Chelsea told Love Meow.

Moxi was smaller than a palm of a hand, weighing just 2.9 oz (82 grams) at birth.

Chelsea Agley

Mama Kiki was not able to nurse on the first night, and Chelsea had to trickle feed the baby drop by drop every two hours. The next day, Kiki's motherly instinct kicked in and Moxi latched right on her, nursing away like a champ. Despite how tiny she was, her will to live was enormous.

"From that day on she started thriving, showing us to never ever give up on her."

Chelsea Agley

She got bigger and stronger each day. In just one week, she began to crawl.

At three weeks, her eyes opened and she could see for the first time. Her ears perked up and her little purr motor switched on.

Chelsea Agley

"Her first purr melted my heart. Just before three weeks old she purred while sleeping under my chin in my neck.

"I didn't think she could get any cuter but she does, every single day," Chelsea told Love Meow.

Chelsea Agley

They introduced her to her canine buddies, and little Moxi crept her way into everyone's heart.

"First she met Snow the Newfoundland, it went well."

Chelsea Agley

Moxi grew in size and cattitude.

She adores her human parents and grandma and is never shy to show her sass and cattitude.

Chelsea Agley

"She is a little spitfire with a spicy personality," Chelsea told Love Meow.

Chelsea Agley

"She has had a will to live since her very first breath, even before she started perking up I knew she was a fighter."

Moxi is now one month old.

Chelsea Agley

Despite a rough beginning, the tiny miracle kitty kept fighting to live.

Look at her now!

Chelsea Agley

Share this story with your friends. Follow Moxi's adventures on her Facebook page and group. See her full story at this Youtube video.

Related story: Kitten Born 2 Days Early Surprises Rescuers When He Grows Silver Coat

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