Princess Monster Truck The Cat

Princess Monster Truck The Cat


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Meet Princess Monster Truck, an interesting looking cat with a story to tell.

Princess Monster Truck was found "tumbling out of a bush" by artists Tracy Timmons and Joseph Bryce when they were on their way home one night. "Her hair was totally matted, she was really thin, and obviously hungry," said Tracy.

"Because she is all black and it was night time we didn't completely see the teeth until she looked up at us and let out a really weird howl/meow. When I saw her face I kind of shrieked and said, 'What is it?""

"We decided we couldn't leave her, she didn't look like a survivor, and so we led her to our house. I carried her at some points crossing streets and then sometimes put her down to allow her to follow."

"When we took her into the vet, and after they stopped laughing about her, I had to ask whether they thought Monster was born that way or whether something happened to her."

"The vet assured me that this looked like a condition from birth the way her jaw was structured, and these kinds of thing happen commonly in Persian breeds and she thanked me for bringing her into get her fixed. 'It stops here!' she said."

Princess Monster Truck crept into their hearts and the rest is history.

Meet Princess Monster Truck, an interesting looking cat with a story to tell

She was rescued from the streets, completely matted. 2 artists from Brooklyn, New York, found her and gave her a second chance at life

Monster became the princess of their lives and she flourished in her new home

She is the boss in the house

...and a sweet heart.

Photos by Tracy Timmons and Joseph Bryce. Follow Princess Monster Truck on Instagram.

Source: Buzzfeed.

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