Tabby Cat Surprised Shelter Staff with 9 Mini Tabbies!

Tabby Cat Surprised Shelter Staff with 9 Mini Tabbies!


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A pregnant cat with a big belly was dropped off at the shelter and they knew she was going to have a big litter, but the tabby cat gave them a surprise that they weren't prepared for.

Lavinia came to the shelter with a large belly!

"She had a home, but when she got pregnant, her owners decided they had too many cats and dropped the poor girl off at the shelter. We have had her about 1 month. We weren't sure when she was due, but every day she got bigger and bigger until it almost looked like she couldn't walk," Here Kitty Kitty Rescue (Elkhart, Indiana) told Love Meow.

"Saturday morning she surprised us with 9 babies, 3 black and 6 black and brown tabbies. We had to count twice to make sure we had gotten it right!!"

"Although a couple of the babies are very small, they are all doing great."

"Lavina loves all her babies! We are supplementing them with a little formula to help momma stay caught up," Here Kitty Kitty told Love Meow.

That's the largest litter they have ever had at the rescue. The tiny fur babies are keeping mama Lavina very busy.

All lined up and ready to be fed. They are going to have a lot of growing up to do!

Spaying and neutering makes a big difference!

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