Stray Cat Begs Family to Take Her in So She Can Keep Her Only Baby Safe

Stray Cat Begs Family to Take Her in So She Can Keep Her Only Baby Safe


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A sweet calico cat asked a family to take her inside their home so she could have a safe place for her only baby.

Meet mama Gemma and her baby Aggie.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

A stray cat was found wandering outside near Keele and Lawrence in Toronto. A family that spotted her, began to feed her twice a day. Then one day the sweet calico decided it was time to move in. She begged and even demanded to come inside their home.

They couldn't say no. They also noticed her belly and knew she was pregnant.

Soon after they took her in, the friendly stray went into labor. As time went on, she surprised the family by giving birth to just one single kitten.

"I thought more babies might be inside her," Lillian Szilagy, a friend of the family, told Love Meow. Since mama was still panting and could be at risk, Szilagy arranged help for the kitties so they could receive proper care from an experienced fosterer.

It turns out, Gemma was pregnant with only one kitten, little Aggie.

Ever since Aggie was born, mama Gemma has been by her side, nursing, caring and watching over her every step of the way.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

Because Aggie is her only kitten, mama is very protective of her and wouldn't let her wander off too far at their foster home.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

They gave Aggie a stuffed animal to cuddle with, and it became her new brother.

"Baby Aggie treats her stuffie as a sibling and brings him everywhere," Szilagy told Love Meow.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

When Aggie is nursing, her stuffie is always close by.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

No one knows exactly how Gemma ended up as a stray, but they believe that she was either lost or abandoned.

Right before she was about to give birth, her motherly instinct kicked in and her baby became her priority.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

Aggie is around 3 months old now, and still loves nursing on her mom. Mama wouldn't have it any other way.

They are very sweet and sociable. Mama is calm and Aggie is full of quirks and always wants to play. The family that found the mama is unable to keep two cats, so Gemma and Aggie are looking for a loving home where they can be adopted together.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

A few months ago Gemma found a safe home to have her singleton, and now her baby is thriving with love surrounding her. In mama's eyes, nothing is more precious than her little creation.

Courtesy: Lillian Szilagy

Here's Aggie playing fetch. She gives the ball to mama and tries to play with her.

A mama's love is truly remarkable. Share this story and help them find their forever home together. If you are in the Toronto area and interested in adopting, you can contact the fosterers on Facebook.

Related story: The Joy When Mama Cat Gets Adopted Together with Her Kitten

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