Stray Cat Mama Keeps Her Babies Safe and Fed Even When She Has Nothing to Eat

Stray Cat Mama Keeps Her Babies Safe and Fed Even When She Has Nothing to Eat


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A stray cat mom kept her babies safe and made sure they always had food even when she had nothing to eat.

CatRescue 901

A loving cat mama kept all her kittens safe despite the rough environment and lack of food. When CatRescue 901, a rescue group in Terrey Hills, New South Wales, Australia, learned about their plight, they rushed to save them.

Despite getting no care from the neighborhood where they were found, and very little food, mama used all the resources she could gather to keep her babies out of harm's way and feed them even when she had no food for herself.

"The whole family is emaciated. The babies would be around six weeks so mama must have fed only once or twice a day and very poor quality food. When they first arrived, our carer sectioned a part of her office off to put this family in," Jenny Storaker, Co Director of CatRescue 901, told Love Meow.

CatRescue 901

At first mama kept her distance from her caregiver and would only feed her babies when she wasn't in the room.

"She lost her confidence having to live rough on the streets in an area where people are not nice to the many street cats," Jenny told Love Meow.

CatRescue 901

With time, lots of good food, comfort, and love, mama is finally coming around. "She is now getting more confident and definitely is friendly."

"We are giving her vitamin paste to help her appetite and nutrition and we are feeding her a combination of human grade raw and premium kitten wet food together with premium kitten dried food (for her to have something to nibble on)," Jenny added.

CatRescue 901

The kittens were so thin when they came to the rescue. With unlimited food, they are putting on weight and strength.

It's amazing how mama kept all her kittens alive despite having little to no food living on the streets.

CatRescue 901

"They are with one of our most experienced carers who is a nurse and has nursed many of our terribly sick kittens back to health," Jenny told Love Meow.

The feline family is doing very well and is on their way to a healthy, happy and love-filled life.

CatRescue 901

The rescue is working tirelessly to help animals in need in the New South Wales region.

"We are always reviewing our resources to ensure we are able to look after the kittens and cats in our care properly by providing premiums quality food and as many vet visits as are needed. Every cat we adopt is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, flea and worm treated," Jenny told Love Meow.

CatRescue 901

Mama can finally rest comfortably in her foster home and start looking after herself knowing her babies are in good hands.

Her unconditional love and devotion kept her babies alive, and now they are thriving and hoping someday they will find their forever loving homes.

CatRescue 901


After months of treatment, Mama was nursed back to health. "We have got the all clear from the vet to rehome her. Her babies thrived and have been rehomed."

CatRescue 901

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Related story: Rescue Cat Mom Hears Orphaned Kittens Cry, She Runs to Them

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