young man rescues stray kitten from woods

Stray Kitten Stops Young Man and Asks Him to Take Her Home


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A young man was stopped by a stray kitten in the woods. She was soaking wet and kept following him around and even tried to cuddle with his leg.

"I think someone dumped her in the woods. She wouldn't leave me alone," imgur user gryphraff said.

young man rescues stray kitten from woodsPhoto: gryphraff

He knew he couldn't leave the poor kitten there by herself, so he picked her up and took her to his car. When the kitten finally settled in his lap, she started purring up a storm and and was loving to be loved.

"On the way to the vet for a checkup and some de-flea-ing."

young man rescues stray kitten from woodsPhoto: gryphraff

All dry and warm!

The kitty was all cleaned up and checked out by the vet. She tagged along with her human friend everywhere he went and basically adopted him to be her forever human.

She found her favorite spot in the car.

young man rescues stray kitten from woodsPhoto: gryphraff

"The vet said she should be kept warm for a few days. A warm dashboard counts."

young man rescues stray kitten from woodsPhoto: gryphraff

No more roaming around in the woods.

She loves sitting perfectly in the window at her forever loving home.

young man rescues stray kitten from woodsPhoto: gryphraff

How did your kitty choose you? Share this story with your friends!

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