"Ten years ago, grandparents agreed to take care of my cat while my family was away... I still haven’t gotten him back."

"Ten years ago, grandparents agreed to take care of my cat while my family was away... I still haven’t gotten him back."


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A woman found a little kitten from a local shelter over a decade ago. He was the only kitten there and had no home to go to for the holidays. "My mother said he looked so tiny and sickly that she had to take him home," reddit user erkah147 told Love Meow.

The family nursed the kitten back to health, and named him Tiger.


About ten years ago, before they were leaving for a vacation, they had entrusted the grandparents to take care of Tiger.

Their grandfather was never interested in any of their pets that they had brought over from time to time, but Tiger seemed to have a different effect on him.

The sweet fluffy cat would curl up in his lap or sleep by his side, keeping him company at all times. Eventually Tiger and his endless cuddles grew on grandpa and the kitty crept his way into his heart.


"Their bond is very tight, wherever my grandpa is, Tiger is with him, either on his lap or sleeping right beside him. He really brings a lot of joy to their lives," they told Love Meow.

They saw just how much grandpa and Tiger needed each other and the incredible bond they shared, and knew that Tiger had found his purrfect home with the grandparents.


"I visit all the time and I figured he would get more attention there, and I was absolutely right. He's their baby."

Now 10 years later, Tiger is still their grandparents' closest companion. He's very smart and has trained the grandparents to turn on the bathroom faucet whenever he asks.


"Tiger is pretty much the only animal that I've seen my grandfather truly get along with and enjoy the company of."

They are never far from each other :).


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Related story: "I Got A Cat For My Sick And Grumpy Grandpa, and He Turned His Life Around"

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