Tiny Stray Kitten with Broken Paw Hobbles Up to Man, Meowing for Help

Tiny Stray Kitten with Broken Paw Hobbles Up to Man, Meowing for Help


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A tiny stray kitten with a broken paw hobbled up to a man, meowing for help.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

When Robin Seplut was out feeding the local strays, he came across a tiny kitten walking up to him with a limp. The kitten cried out to him as he approached. Robin knew he had to help.

"I saw a kitten with a broken paw. This homeless kitten lived on the street," Robin said.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

He scooped up the little kitten and took him to the vet. They gave the kitten an x-ray and found a fracture in the patella.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

The kitten was given an injection to help with swelling, and the man was told to bring him back to the vet the following Tuesday.

Robin gave the little kitty a much-needed bath to remove all the fleas and followed it with a big hearty meal.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

First meal at his new home.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

The kitten was so happy to have a safe place and a warm bed to sleep in that night.

Watch the rescue in this video:

10 days after he was rescued, his paw was almost completely healed.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

Playing with his little monkey toy in his loving home.

YouTube/Robin Seplut

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Related story: Cat Helps Human Dad Heal from Broken Leg and Wouldn't Leave His Side

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