Wobbly Cat Surprises Others With What He Can Do, Now Helps Special Kitties Just Like Him..

Wobbly Cat Surprises Others With What He Can Do, Now Helps Special Kitties Just Like Him..


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A tiny kitty is determined to do everything that "normal' cats do despite his wobbliness. To him, the sky is the limit.

Meet Derencho the CH cat!

Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

"He was just a wee kitten of seven weeks old when he arrived at Friends of Felines Rescue Center (FFRC) on July 4th, 2012. His mama had the kittens in a wood pile," Jacci Moss of FFRC told Love Meow.

The special little guy wobbles when he walks. He has CH (cerebellar hypoplasia, a neurological condition that affects walking and balance), but the little fur buddy never thinks he's any different.

When the cat mom wanted to move her kittens to a different location, Derencho (as a CH kitten) simply couldn't keep up and was left behind. A family that had been watching over the litter, brought him to FFRC in Defiance, Ohio.

"When Derecho arrived, Defiance had just experienced a magnificent storm called a derecho. We just knew that this kitten was destined to also be magnificent and so was named this 'big' name."

Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

"Derecho was among one of the very first CH cats at FFRC," Jacci told Love Meow.

Being a CH cat doesn't stop him from doing things just like any other kitty. Derecho aka the "D" Man has defied all the odds since he came to FFRC.

Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

"He has learned how to spread his legs for balance. He wobbles and wiggles, falls and goes on again—and through pure determination, gets to where he wants to go."

This amazing kitty has never given up. "He has a heart of gold and has comforted many people who need an emotional boost."

Derecho all grown up now!Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

He is very nurturing to kittens at FFRC and they all look at him as their Uncle Derecho.

"He has bathed and tended to many kittens that needed him as their Uncle Derecho. He is the peace keeper of FFRC—such a very gentle spirited boy," Jacci told Love Meow.

Derecho gives a rescue kitten lots of love and TLCCourtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

Derecho has opened the hearts of the FFRC staff to help other kitties with CH.

"We felt 'called' to do this," Jacci said. "Derecho showed us that with help, he could live a very happy, contented life and to bring joy to others. We wanted to give that to other CH cats."

Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

Dozens of these wonderful special needs cats have since been taken into FFRC. Many of them have been adopted into loving homes.

"Derecho is an example of what it takes to 'get on with living'. One thing that he has never done is to feel sorry for himself.

"And oh, can he play! I know one person that keeps a picture of Derecho close to her while she handles her chemo treatment, thinking--if Derecho can do what he does, then she too can be determined and get through her treatments."

Derecho wants to climb the scratching post, and he does!Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

Derecho is a resident cat at FFRC where he has dozens of aunties and uncles that are volunteers.

"He has taught us so many things. Life is important! Life is awesome! Life is what we make it! He continues to this day to show us what it means to be determined," Jacci told Love Meow.

"We weathered the derecho storm and now our Derecho is our sunshine."

Courtesy: Friends Of Felines Rescue Center

Derecho climbed to third level of big oak tree by himself.

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