6 Amazing Stories of Fatherly Cats

6 Amazing Stories of Fatherly Cats


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Happy Father's Day! These kitties have become wonderful cat "fathers" to many rescue and foster kittens. They took them under their wing and nurtured them like a father and a mother. Many of these surrogate cat fathers are rescues themselves. Caring for another animal in need is a way for them to give what they didn't have as a kitten. These stories will surely give you fuzzies.

Surrogate Cat Father and Orphan Kittens

Happy is a surrogate cat father to many orphan kittens brought into his home. He takes care each of them with unconditional love. Out of all the kittens he cared for, Sweet the rescue really bonded with him. These photos will melt your heart.

6 Month Kitty Becomes Father to Orphan Kitties

Noël a rescue kitty took to two teeny bitty orphans when they arrived in their foster home. Their eyes weren't even open yet, but Noël was already there for them every step of the way. They thought Noël was their "mother" that they never had. More pictures of Noël and his kittens.

Molly the Kitten Found a Forever Home and a New Father

A shelter was in need of foster care for a kitten named Molly. She was taken into a home where she met Tilo the tuxedo. It was love at first sight. Tilo started cleaning her and snuggling with her almost instantly. These lovely photos are simply too cute for words!

Ginger Foster and His Tabby Furiend

Gimli the tabby was like a father to his ginger buddy. He tolerated all his antics and catered to his every whim. Gimli is also a rescue kitty and it is his instinct to help another kitten who is just like him. See more pictures of this adorable pair.

Romeo the Fatherly Cat

"Romeo is a special guy who happens to love other cats. Whenever we bring another rescue into the house (we now have 4), Romeo is the greeting committee, the welcome wagon, the 'mama' of the house, which is how he earned the nickname 'Mama.' That, and because when he meows, sometimes he says 'Mammmmmaaaaaa.' It's pretty adorable." See more pictures of Romeo and his kitties.

Three Ginger Musketeers and Their Feline Foster Parents

Three ginger foster babies were greeted by not just one, but many cat residents who started taking care of them in rotation at their foster home. The little ones gained several foster cat fathers who loved them dearly. These pictures are simply amazing. Cuteness alert!


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