Brûlée the Feral Kitten Rescued from Animal Control and Given a Second Chance

Brûlée the Feral Kitten Rescued from Animal Control and Given a Second Chance


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This adorable white kitten was found as a feral and rescued from animal control by two kind women. "I had to argue with animal control to let me have her," said Sanguiess via reddit. In her area, the survival rate of sick or weak kittens at the animal control is low. They picked up the little kitten and named her Brûlée.

"It was my roommate and my first time bottle feeding so we were trying to learn along the way with help from the internet. Further, she'd been unfed for so long when we got her this was the only position my roommate said she could feed her without her panicking. We learned soon after though the proper method and luckily for us, we only had to keep her on the bottle for a couple days before she would lap up milk from the bowl and eventually moved to eating wet food mixed with milk, etc. Right now she's fully weaned and has gotten her kitten shots."

"Additionally, I've been looking up info about teaching her to wash, etc. We've been using the cotton ball method and it's been going fairly well. Plus, I have several other kitties of my own who serve as role models," she added.

Bottle feeding Brûlée the feral rescue

See Brûlée in action:

Photo by Sanguiess via reddit

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