Lizzy, a beautiful tortie rescued cat mama came to the shelter with four adorable kittens who just recently opened their eyes. Just a couple days later, Stacey, their foster mom received a call from a friend who had a litter of orphaned kittens. "After some research and talking it over with a couple of cat experts, we figured out that we could try to introduce them to Mama and see if she would accept them as her own, with some nutritional supplementation. Nine babies is a lot of babies, but it works out best for everyone — especially the kittens — if they have a feline mama," said Stacey.
"Lizzy is an awesome cat and an awesome mom. Within moments of us introducing the kittens, she was grooming and nursing them as if they were her own. So now we have a mamacat and NINE babies. Whenever I am home I am switching them out every two or so hours. Right now the four older ones are nestled together in a box inside a carrier on one side of the room, with the heat keeping the room at a toasty 82 degrees. On the other side of the room, Lizzy is in her nest with the smaller babies so they can all get a chance at nursing without having to fight off a kitten twice their size. I’ll switch them in a bit. I’m also giving a bottle to anyone who will take it, but the older ones in particular are not happy about a bottle, and are very vocal about it."
Photos courtesy of ©Good Karma Pet Rescue.