Cat Strays Into The Hearts Of Soldiers In Afghanistan

Cat Strays Into The Hearts Of Soldiers In Afghanistan


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A cat named Clyde strayed into the hearts of the soldiers deployed in Afghanistan. They are trying to find her a safe and loving home that she deserves.

"Clyde Clinton Deveraux is a female cat named by male contractors. I am not sure how long she has been at the base in Helmand but I know it's been at least 2-3 years.

Before I got to country, the compound I worked at changed locations and the contractors thoughtfully brought Clyde with them. My unit got to the Bastion ASP at the end of December 2012.

We were told about there being a cat hanging around the entry control point(ECP) to the ASP. Several of us soldiers are animal lovers and started visiting Clyde at the gate. Soon, Clyde became more attached to us than to the contractors at the gate and hung around our buildings. Seeing Clyde was motivation enough to come to work. The more I cared for and spent time with Clyde, the more I grew attached to her and wanted to take her home.

I was afraid of what might happen to her when all the people that have cared for her leave the country. I believe she has been here long enough and deserves a loving family. I would really love the chance to give that to her." (via Nowzad).

Clyde the cat and her soldier friend

"I believe she has been here long enough and deserves a loving family. I would really love the chance to give that to her."


"Clyde has made it home safely and is settling in nicely along with Aela (the dog) and Tinkerbell (the cat) She is a lucky cat," Nowzad wrote via Facebook.

She is loving her home comforts.

They got help from Nowzad to bring the kitty to a safe and loving home. Follow them on Facebook.

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