I Have Never Seen a Kitty Enjoy Bowling Quite Like This!

I Have Never Seen a Kitty Enjoy Bowling Quite Like This!


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I have never seen a kitty enjoy bowling quite like this (see video below). Osamu the new addition to the family of 9 cats (now 10) is not allowing a single bowling pin to stand straight in the house.

[Scroll down for video]

Every pin must come down!

He turns himself into a fluffy bowling ball and knocks down the pins in a purrfect strike and then another purrfect strike!

If his human misses a few pins after the first roll, he will help his dad secure a spare by swatting down the pins with his paws! It's totally legal to do that in the feline rules of bowling.

I want a bowling buddy like Osamu!

RIP pins.

Watch video: Osamu plays bowling like a pro!

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