Surrogate Cat Father and Orphaned Kittens

Surrogate Cat Father and Orphaned Kittens


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Happy has been a surrogate cat father to many rescue kittens. One of them is called Sweet who became his closest friend :).

An orphaned kitten was rescued by a friend of Tracy. "It was July 2006 when we met. I was holding a little fuzzy tabby in my hand and all of a sudden, she bit my finger a little bit," said Tracy. Right then she realized that this feisty little bottle baby had chosen her to come home with.

Ever since she came to her new home, she has been nothing but love and sweetness. Tracy decided to name her "Sweet" for her lovely temperment.

Sweet became very attached to Happy an older cat who took to the little orphaned baby as soon as she stepped out of her crate. Happy became the father Sweet had nothing had. They are inseparable and could not stand to be out of eye-shot of each other.

Even when Sweet grew up into a lady, their bond only became stronger. Happy is also a rescue who was separated from his mom when he was only a few weeks old. He is now taking care of all fosters to fulfill what he lacked as a kitten. Sweet needed a fatherly or motherly figure and Happy was there for her. It was purrfect.

Photos courtesy of ©Tracy Chan (flickr: beatrice524).

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