Teeny Tiny Orphan Tuxedo Found Luck

Teeny Tiny Orphan Tuxedo Found Luck


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This little ball of cute was lost but found. She was smaller than a palm when she found her hoomans, but with lots of love and TLC, the little one thrived. They named her Lucky.

"Me and my son found this LITTLE CHILD in the garden. Its mother had left her behind without milk and water. So we took her to our home," said Figen Erkan. They took her to the vet and fattened her up with bottles of kitty formula. Lucky was happy and chowed down the food like a champ.

Photos by ©Figen Erkan (flickr: Mimfigen, more photos of this little tux). A few weeks after her rescue, Lucky's ears all perked up:

Today Lucky has grown into a beautiful cat.

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