Two Lucky Rescued Brothers

Two Lucky Rescued Brothers


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Two little babies were the reason how Tracy became a foster parent for a local rescue group. "A few years ago, as I was reading the news, I found a feral cat rescue group website over the internet and saw a beautiful kitten there. I called right away for the kitten and was notified that she had been adopted. A month later, I got a call from them, asking if I would be interested in fostering two little kittens whose eyes were not even open. I had no experience caring for a kitten that small, but they were really short of hands, so I did not hesitate and took them right in," said Tracy on her blog.

Before their arrival, Tracy did a lot of research and the shelter taught her how to bottle feed the kittens. She worked around the clock to make sure the little ones were fed and cared for properly.

It's been more than four years since they came to their foster home. Today they have grown into beautiful cats named Zebra and Little. "Zebra has all the great features of a cat. Little on the other hand is a bit shy."

They never went back to the shelter or left for another home. They found their permanent home right there in their foster home.

Photos courtesy of ©Tracy Chan (flickr: beatrice524).

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