Tiny Rescue Kitten Made Amazing Recovery

Tiny Rescue Kitten Made Amazing Recovery


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A tiny kitten was rescued after being attacked by a crow. Her top jaw was fractured, and her throat, tongue, and part of her gum were injured.

The rescuer worked around the clock to keep the little one alive. The kitten was fed with a tube but she hated it and fought not to eat. So the family made her knitted jackets so they could help her get the food down.

With a lot of love and hard work, the kitten is turning around and recovering. She's also made bonded with their family dog and a bird. The dog is very caring and protective of her and the bird keeps her company.

They named her Wasabi-chan. She's put on a lot of weight and is doing very well thanks to the people and animals that never gave up on her.

She was found being attacked by a crow. The rescuer immediately grabbed the kitten and took her to safety.

She had trouble eating, so the rescuer fed her round the clock with a tube.

Kitty is making progress and recovering.

She's also made friends with a big dog...

...and bonded with a birdie.

Wasabi-chan has come a long way since the day she was rescued.

She's doing well today and is happy to have a comfortable place to call home.

Photos via Instagram. Her twitter and website.

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