Magnificent Black Cat Grows Silver Winter Coat

Magnificent Black Cat Grows Silver Winter Coat


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Fluffy cats often poof up for the winter, but this gorgeous black cat surprised the volunteers with a layer of silver fur she just grew. Now she's ready for someone to take her home for the holidays.

Meet Genevieve!

Photo by Tarrl Lightowler

She was born a feral but turned very friendly after being socialized by volunteers. This six-year-old cat has always had a beautiful black coat, but somehow this year her fur color has changed with this added silver hue.

"We shaved her over the summer. Her fur had gotten really thick, and there was some matting, so it was easier to just shave it (at the vets)... and when her hair grew back it's now black and silver," The Goathouse Refuge told Love Meow

"Genevieve is already wearing her winter-wonderland-holiday-outfit! The only thing missing is a home and warm, loving family gathering she can wear it to."

More info on The Goathouse Refuge (Pittsboro, North Carolina) | Facebook | More

This is Genevieve a year ago with her magnificent thick black coat.

Photo by Tarrl Lightowler

Photo by Tarrl Lightowler

This summer she got a shave to help her cope with the heat.

Photo by Tarrl Lightowler

Now her fur has grown back with this beautiful silver under coat.

She's already wearing her winter-wonderland-holiday-outfit. Now what she needs is a forever home for the holidays!

Watch video: Genevieve loves chasing shadows. (9 months ago)

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